Monday, October 25, 2010

My Learning This 2nd Quarter

At first, I learned to create a blog. At this time, my knowledge have been widen to many things especially in using more quickly the computer. I learned to change the background and add design to my blog. How the proper way to use the different type of blog. How to create a HTML document. How to add background image and color and how to preform-at text. In this quarter, I have learned so many knowledge and all that was great.
At the start, it been so difficult for me that time. Because I'm not such as good in using computer. All the things became easy to me that is through the help of my group mates in our work station. I am so very thankful of them most especially to our teacher who teaches us. Because of them, I learned to adjust to a new world. And I was so very lucky to have them. All my fear have been released. Because they are always there to guide and teach me the best things to do.
Through that, my knowledge have been increased and enriched.

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