January 25, is a very special day for us Biguenos. It is the day of the saint patron of Vigan, Saint Paul. Saint Paul is the savior of Vigan. He is not a Christian Catholic before but he were converted to it. He realized all his bad doing, so he changed for a better person. So that's why he was converted to a Christian Catholic. That's the story beyond the life of Saint Paul.
Every 21th to 31th day of January, We Biguenos treat that day as one of the special day of our life. It is the Fiest of Vigan, our beloved town. They were so much activity on this event like SK Night, Gay Night and Ms. DWRS and many more. It also had a parade especially during January 25, It was called as a Grand Parade. Through this event, our products and culture have been well recognized, promote and endorsed. Like longganisa, bagnet, abel and many more. Vigan is also known as a child friendly city because of it's clean and green surroundings . Vigan is popular because of the antique houses here in Vigan. The antique houses was build during the Spanish period.
So we must be proud that we were here from Vigan. Be proud to be a Biguenos. Maintain the cleanliness and beauty of it. Maintain the unity, peace and order of it. Wow Vigan, how beautiful it was. PROUD TO BE FROM VIGAN.
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